LNP 53 – Communication Problems and Patient Injury

According to The Joint Commission, communication problems and patient injury go hand in hand. Legal nurse consultants, risk managers, attorneys and healthcare administrators are all aware of the risks to patient safety from communication errors. In today’s multicultural society, sources of misunderstanding and communication problems can result in multiple opportunities for errors resulting in harm…

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LNP 52 – From the Stretcher: A Patient’s Perspective of Health Care – Regina Clark

Regina Clark is a nationally sought after speaker on a national and international basis. She founded a company called “Creative Performance Solutions”, which is a leadership development consulting firm. For the past 25 years Regina has been helping leaders and teams improve their performance, not only in health care but also in broader industries such…

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LNP 51 Top Tips for Using Social Media

Stripped apart, the term “social media” has two different pieces you’ll need to understand: the social aspect, and the media aspect. Most people know that the term social refers to interaction with others, including developing relationships and cultivating new connections. The term media, in this instance, refers to the way social information is exchanged. Listen…

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