528 How to Shine when Exhibiting – Angel Hickerson

After a long, pandemic-induced lull, attorney conferences have made a comeback. These events provide LNCs with a unique opportunity to meet prospective clients face to face. Angel Hickerson and your host, Pat Iyer, share advice on how to get the most out of these exhibiting conferences. Perhaps the most important recommendation is to be professional…

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519 Get inside the mind of a nurse attorney – Joe Flores

Joe Flores’ podcasts are among the most popular on this show. He brings to the conversation his experiences as a nurse, nurse practitioner, legal nurse consultant, and attorney. Through this multi-faceted lens, he makes connections that others can’t. Joe provides some very specific guidance to nurse practitioners, recommending that they carry occurrence-based insurance. He also…

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505 Your Ideal LNC Client – Rick Jeune

Rick Jeune is a speaker and consultant who specializes in small businesses. He has created several successful businesses and is starting another one. He brings his expertise in the world of small business to this podcast about your ideal LNC client. He believes that three primary principles that help to create a successful business. Self-knowledge…

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474 How to Defuse an Angry Attorney – Steve Catchick

You pick up the phone, and an angry attorney starts shouting about his bill or an expert witness report, or something else that has his blood boiling? How can you defuse him? How can you turn an “I lose you lose” situation into a mutual win?
This area is Steve Catchick’s specialty, and he joins us in a podcast that you’ll want to listen to and/or read more than once.
Steve uses an acronym, BREAD: Behavior, Rapport, Empathy, Assertiveness, and Detachment. He thoroughly describes each of these terms, with specific examples of how to achieve them.

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