Archive for January 2018
LNP 146 Anesthesia Risks and the Implications for the LNC Bonnie O’Hara
Bonnie O’Hara understands anesthesia risks. She a nurse anesthetist and she has a long history of providing anesthesia in ORs as part of being in the military. Bonnie is currently working as a legal nurse consultant building her business and coaching with me in LNC Academy. Bonnie has military and civilian nursing experience. She was…
Read MoreLNP 145 Tips for Organizing Your LNC Office for Greater Productivity
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution that your LNC office will be more organized so you can be more productive? Greater productivity is achieved when you do not spend minutes trying to find something. If you’re a busy person and you’re trying to fit legal nurse consulting into your routine, then you need a…
Read MoreLNP 144 Top Tips for Getting Organized Lori Rochino
Lori Rochino is a freelance writer based in the greater Philadelphia area and her work has appeared in both national publications such as Success, Huffington Post and YFS Magazine. She has written a book called “50 Shades of Simple: How to Prioritize in the Age of Information Overload” and boy, are we in the age…
Read MoreLNP 143 How to Be More Productive as an LNC
LNC Productivity is a real concern. You are always juggling different responsibilities related to your business – finances, marketing, business development and case work. How do you stay focused on what is important? Increase your productivity and accomplish more in less time by using a technique called applied focus. Applied focus can help you avoid the…
Read MoreLNP 142 The 5 Rs of Unleashing Your Own Superhero Debbie Lyn Toomey
Debbie Lyn Toomey is an award-winning speaker, author, corporate trainer and coach. She is the founder of Ultimate Healing Journey and she believes in a holistic approach to optimal health and LNC happiness. Debbie trains companies and organizations how to use happiness skills and how to boost their productivity, performance and relationships. She has created programs…
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