LNP 314 The Elegant Warrior: Views of an Experienced Trial Attorney Heather Hansen
Heather Hansen is the author of the Amazon Bestseller, The Elegant Warrior: How to Win Life’s Trials Without Losing Yourself. In the book, Heather shares lessons from her 20 years as a medical malpractice trial attorney. If you want to advocate for yourself, your ideas, your colleagues, and your clients and your customers, after over…
Read MoreLNP 312 Defending Claims: The View of An Experienced LNC Kari Williamson
Kari Williamson is the owner and chief executive of MKC Medical Management Company. Before she got involved in legal nurse consulting, she worked for several years as a staff nurse at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. She has experience in trauma and post-surgical and burn nursing as a staff nurse in Level 1 trauma…
Read MoreLNP 309 How to Stay Focused
The strategies for becoming more focused are endless: Make lists. Remove distractions. Set up your ideal environment. You need to find what works best for your style of working. Our legal nurse consulting skills are built on our ability to focus. You know the feeling when you dive into a pile of medical records and…
Read MoreLNP 305 Head Injury Care Analysis
As a legal nurse consultant, you may be asked to work on cases involving patients with head injuries. These can occur in all kinds of settings, both within and outside healthcare facilities. Let’s head into the emergency department. Head injuries are responsible for almost a half million visits to the emergency departments (ED) in the…
Read MoreLNP 304 Pediatric Brain Injury Dr. Brenda Eagan Johnson
Dr. Brenda Eagan Johnson has over 20 years’ experience in pediatric brain injury. She is the state program coordinator for Pennsylvania’s nationally recognized BrainSTEPS brain injury school consulting program. She holds a doctorate in Mind, Brain, and Teaching from Johns Hopkins and is a legal forensic and educational consultant. Listen in as Kelly Campbell and…
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