534 Serial Healthcare Killers – Erin Laferriere

Learn more about serial healthcare killers.

Medically-assisted opioid-related overdoses have become major news items. Erin Laferriere got involved in such a case, the Mount Carmen/Dr. Husel litigation in 2020. Dr. Husel was charged with 14 counts of murder. The nurses involved were charged civilly with negligence and were reported to their respective nursing boards. Erin was involved with the civil cases.…

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529 LNC Role at Defense Medical Exam – Stormy Green

As an LNC, you may find yourself called to observe an independent medical examination. This may be ordered by either the plaintiff or the defense. Stormy Green, an LNC, describes her experiences as an observer and provides some essential recommendations for anyone who has assumed or would like to assume that role. The observer needs…

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