376 Knock Out Networking Michael Goldberg

Both those who fear attending networking events and those who want to improve their skills will find unique value in this conversation between Michael Goldberg and I. Michael is a networking expert who approaches from the perspective of building relationships, trust, and mutual benefits. Look for like-minded people, he urges, that will yield the results…

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363 Building Client Relationships That Last

One of the ways legal nurse consultants build their business is to tug at the emotions of their audience. The way a customer and client work together and communicate can build long-lasting, meaningful relationships that turn clients into fans, and fans into clients. You can set out to build these relationships by using emotional marketing…

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362 Conquering Conflict with LNC Clients Leanne Meier

Leanne Meier is a nurse who has 40-plus years of experience in clinical nursing, as well as experience in talent development, research, designing and teaching specialized programs, most particularly about conflict resolution. She consulted about conflicts between managers and employees, teams and individuals. And we know as legal nurse consultants that some of those conflicts…

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