388 Eliminating Business Brain Clutter Jess Dewell

Today we’re going to be talking about something that affects everyone who’s listening, and that is business brain clutter. We’ll talk about what that phrase means and how it applies to you. Jess Dewell is speaking to us today from Colorado. She’s the owner of Red Direction, which is a company that involves advising, facilitating,…

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379 Expert Witness Horror Stories

The defense attorney stomped into the courtroom, radiating nervous energy and anger. She dropped a copy of my Nursing Malpractice text onto her counsel table. When I looked at her, I knew that as the plaintiff’s nursing expert witness, I was in for an expert witness courtroom battle. My client had asked me to testify on behalf…

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365 Stop LNC Fear-Based Decisions

I have experienced intense fear The fear I experienced is like the fear that comes with being an LNC. The driver ahead of me slows down. I slow down. The driver of the Geek Squad truck behind me does not. In my rear mirror I see the truck barreling towards me. In those moments in…

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