Business Management
394 How to Respond with Strength to a Crisis Dr. Irena Kay
In times of universal fear and stress, such as the Covid-19 epidemic, we may rise or succumb to the challenge. While our personal histories, especially those involving trauma, may influence how we react and respond to a crisis. Irena Kay, M.D., explains that with self-understanding and kindness to ourselves, we can respond with strength to…
Read More393 Tips for Facing Your LNC Fears
Have you felt your anxiety level go up because of the lockdown we’ve experienced as a result of the pandemic? Does fear ever paralyze you? In this podcast I share a story of what happened to me a year ago on a dark road through the Everglades. In case you don’t know, the Everglades is…
Read More392 Moving from Fear to Power for LNCs Debra Morrison
“Fear is not the problem,” says Debra Morrison, financial expert and grief counselor. What matters is how we handle fear. When we realize that all our power comes from within, we can gain a less fearful perspective on the even the starkest crisis. For LNCs, owning their power has particular value. When being confronted by…
Read More390 How to Realign Your LNC Business Regina Bergman
If you are currently struggling to keep your business afloat, you need the valuable insights that Regina Bergman, small business expert, shares in this podcast. Now, more than ever, how you maintain and deepen your connections with your clients matters. This is not a time for selling to them; it’s a time for showing that…
Read More389 5 Steps to Improved Productivity
Productivity and efficiency are the popular buzz words. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot do everything yourself when it comes to running your LNC business. Investing in your business not only decreases stress but it makes your business run more smoothly, therefore increasing profits. Do you work in organized chaos? You know,…
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