Posts Tagged ‘Legal Nurse Consulting’
489 LNC Policies and Procedures – Why You Need them Penny Hopkinson
Where do you document the LNC Policies and procedures by which you run every aspect of your business? If you answer, “In my head,” have you asked yourself what would happen if you’re a solopreneur and got sick? Have you considered how you could sell your business without policies and procedures? Have you noticed that issues recur because no one wrote down how they solved them the last time?
Read More488 Working with Expert Witnesses: An Attorney’s View Joe Flores
Whether you’re an experienced LNC, a new practitioner, or someone who’s considering this field, Joe Flores will give you invaluable advice about working as an expert witness. An attorney and nurse practitioner, he has a unique perspective on working with expert witnesses.
Read More487 Sexual Assault Cases And The LNC – Teresa Devitt Lynch
In 2019, over 400,000 adult women reported being sexually assaulted. Although this figure is believed to represent only one third of actual rapes, and though it doesn’t include children under the age of 12, it is a huge number.
LNCs can play vital roles in those cases that are litigated. If you are drawn to this very important area of work, you need to understand the medical processes of information gathering involved in sexual assault cases.
486 Myocardial Infarction Delays and Misdiagnoses and the LNC Jenna Gaines
ow as a heart attack and professionals know as an EMI has many variations, any of which can be difficult to diagnose—and delay in diagnosis can lead further damage and possibly death.
Read More485 Long Term Care Challenges and The LNC – Ethel Wills
It’s been well documented that the elderly have been more severely targeted by COVID, especially those in nursing homes. Yet, dramatic as the high illness and death rates have been, they underscore the fact that in many nursing homes, the actual care doesn’t meet the standards set by the nursing home itself.
Ethel Wills, an LNC in practice since 2016, has a strong clinical background which includes long-term care. In this podcast, she focuses on nutritional issues for those in nursing homes. These issues are rampant. When a patient doesn’t receive…