Archive for September 2020
415 Staying Fit With Low Impact Exercises Kathy Hicks
“Move it or lose it” may be a cliché, but it’s also accurate. Today, though, with so many gyms closed, people find it more difficult to get regular exercise. Kathy Hicks, certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist, who teaches students on Zoom, describes a range of low-impact exercises you can do at home to…
Read More414 Documentation Flaws and EMRs Rachel Cartwright Vanzant
LNCs, face the complications that electronic medical records add to the already-great challenges of documentation
Read More413 Communicating with Ease Marjorie Saulson
We are increasingly realizing that understanding our own and another’s personality is key to not only business success but also family and relationship harmony.
Read More412 Thriving After Incest Rena Romano
We are increasingly realizing that understanding our own and another’s personality is key to not only business success but also family and relationship harmony.
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