LNP 315 Expert Witness Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve gotten a case as a nursing expert witness. Now what? What are your expert witness opinions? I spent 20 years testifying as an expert witness, and I’ve trained hundreds of healthcare professionals how to excel in this challenging and rewarding role. Here are questions experts often asked me. Listen in as Pat Iyer chats…

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LNP 313 Who is Your Ideal Client?

I ask this question about your ideal client because the answer is not the same for every LNC.  As legal nurse consultants we want to attract attorneys who can hire us to work on cases. But your marketing needs to be informed by an understanding of your ideal client. Who is your target market? What…

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LNP 311 Tax Savings and Deductions for the LNC

Many legal nurse consultants start their businesses working out of their homes. It makes sense and it is affordable. Are you wondering how to save on your taxes when you work from home? If you work from home full-time, you may be eligible for a range of tax deductions not available to traditionally employed people.…

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