513 How to Share LNC Knowledge on the Web – Peg Duchesne
Peg Duchesne brings extensive experience to her current role as a marketing specialist, experience which is very relevant for LNCs seeking to increase their business and share LNC knowledge. She worked for 30 years in law firms as a legal assistant paralegal. Peg has seen the look of relief on attorneys’ faces when they learn…
Read More512 Networking for LNCs Allison Dickson
Today is your opportunity to learn from a champion networker. Allison Dickson, a nurse with emergency department experience and 18 years of clinical experience, entered the legal nursing consultant field in 2020, an uncertain time for any new entrepreneur. She chose Linkedin as her initial target, and her first contact with an attorney yielded a…
Read More511 LinkedIn for LNCs – Beth Granger
When used knowledgeably, Linkedin can be your most effective social media tool. Beth Granger, a Linkedin expert, shares here some of the most important aspects of Linkedin participation. Like most people, you probably get many invitations to join networks. Beth breaks down how to decide which to accept. And if you wonder why you get…
Read More507 So social on LinkedIn for LNCs – Cheri Martin
According to Cheri Martin, an expert on the LinkedIn, it’s the most important social networking platform for legal nurse consultants to master. In this podcast, she shares what she’s learned about how to get the most out of LinkedIn. Three of the most critical elements of Linkedin are the profile picture, headline with specific, relevant…
Read More491 How to Polish Your LNC Brand – Kim Speed
As a legal nurse consultant or someone who wants to open a business as an LNC and also create a brand, you have a primary question to answer: What makes you unique? What sets you apart from other practitioners? How can you make that distinction clear so that you can attract the attorneys and cases you want? How narrow should you make your niche?
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