LNP 284 Contractors versus Employees: What is the Difference? Nicole Anderson
Nicole Anderson with MEND is on today’s show. Nicole and her company MEND. MEND guides employers through the transition stages of the workplace, as well as through a generational workforce. We focus on helping you with your human resources, day-to-day human resources or project-based, as well as staying in compliance with state and federal regulations.…
Read MoreLNP 283 Top Tips for Invoicing as a Legal Nurse Consultant
You do a case for an attorney and she says, “Great work. Send me an invoice.” Here are top tips for invoicing to make the process go smoothly. This is Pat Iyer with Iyer’s Insights. The tips I share in this podcast will help you avoid a lot of wasted time and aggravation. Listen in…
Read MoreLNP 282 Money Matters for LNCs Kathleen Thomas
Kathleen Thomas is a financial wizard I met at a C-Suite Network Advisors’ event. C-Suite is a group that I’m involved in that includes people who help CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, CIOs, anything you can put a “C” in front of. Kathleen was there as a person who had just shared her knowledge with others by…
Read MoreLNP 279 How to Accelerate the Life Cycle of your LNC Business
Do you have a business plan? In talking to legal nurse consultants at and after the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants annual forum, I found many people interested in building their businesses. I’ve heard many reasons for wanting to have a full-time business, including the need to flexibility, to have time for family, to…
Read MoreLNP 278 How to Scale Up Your LNC Business Lauren Cohen
Lauren Cohen is an attorney with expertise in both immigration and business law. She is involved with a company called “e-Council,” which is a company that focuses on providing concierge strategic full-service solutions for businesses who are seeking capital and foreign entrepreneurs who are seeking access to the United States market. Listen in as Pat…
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