429 Mastering Tricky Financial Traps Debra Morrison
This is the top most listened to podcast in 2020 and is an encore performance. Debra Morrison has helped people to navigate their finances and financial traps for four decades. She especially focuses on helping women, who experience significant disadvantages in this area. In this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast, you will get some surprising…
Read More419 Mastering Tricky Financial Traps Debra Morrison
Debra Morrison has helped people to navigate their finances and financial traps for four decades. She especially focuses on helping women, who experience significant disadvantages in this area. In this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast, you will get some surprising information about major pitfalls in the world of finance. It’s not a game for amateurs.…
Read More397 Watching Your Pennies, So Someone does not Steal Your Dollars
Before we start today’s podcast, I am bursting to tell you about something I am cooking up for you. I teamed up with a legal nurse consultant colleague, Barbara Levin, to plan the first ever virtual legal nurse consulting conference. We’ve assembled a panel of legal nurse consultants, nurses, attorneys, physicians, and business experts to…
Read More396 3 Secrets of Wealth Creation Rennie Gabriel
In times of financial crisis, whether person or global, the idea of wealth on any income may seem unimaginable. Here are 3 secrets of wealth creation. Rennie Gabriel, certified financial planner, who graduated from collecting bottles and cans for food money to owning real estate and being a successful financial adviser, explains how changing how…
Read More391 Money Matters for Legal Nurse Consultants
Here’s an all-too-common scenario: A seemingly successful legal nurse consultant is hard at work growing her business. She’s working lots of hours, and her hourly rate is respectable. But her cash flow is dismal. Why? Because she’s working so hard that finding the time to take control of her money is impossible. Invoices don’t get…
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