425 Obstetrical Malpractice Terrors Ellen Hahn

A nurse who has 35 years of experience as an OB specialist, Ellen Hahn will share with you some of the most critical issues that threaten the health of mothers and also babies in an obstetrical environment. Obstetrical lawsuits medical malpractice cases that emerge from this environment are emotionally charged and also tragic. Ellen thoroughly…

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424 Children are Not Little Adults: Practice Issues and Covid

Karyn Hanken, Debra Woodbury, and Jodi Hancock Three highly experienced pediatric nurses share significant medical differences between children and adults and highlight the kinds of questions LNCs need to ask in investigating a case. They also emphasize that children spread COVID-19 as effectively as adults and stress the importance of accustoming them to wearing masks.…

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423 Behind the Prison Walls David Mathis MD

While the COVID-19 crisis has brought prisoners’ health issues to the attention of many, these issues are long-standing and critical. Dr. David Mathis, who works for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, serves as a physician, surgeon, and expert witness. He knows what happens behind prison walls. He explains in detail why a sick…

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421 Tales of an Expert Witness Laura Conklin

Laura Conklin is an LNC and also an expert witness who brings to her career diverse experience in acute care, home care, rehab, and other areas of nursing. You will hear how she started her LNC career and the skills that have made her successful. Whether you’re a new or an experienced LNC, you will…

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418 Medical Malpractice Attorney’s View from the Counsel Table Steven White

Former medical malpractice and personal injury lawyer, Steven White, shares invaluable advice for legal nurse consultants. From the importance of familiarity with protocols to the difficulties of dealing with physicians without malpractice insurance, he covers a range of vital topics. His depth and breadth of knowledge will enrich your own practice. Here are the highlights…

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