496 How to get started as an LNC – Kristin Stiner

How to get started as an LNC? Nurses who are considering careers as LNC sometimes have a limited view of what this involves: being an expert witness at depositions and trials or finding such experts, and—the biggest obstacle for many—having one’s own business, possibly with employees. They may also believe they have to invest thousands…

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494 How to Rapidly Build LNC Business – Ashley Moreau

Pat Iyer, host of this podcast and LNC Business owner, usually recommends that legal nurse consultants allow 3-5 years to develop a full-time practice. She is delighted to showcase an exception to that flexible rule. Ashley Moreau began her LNC Business practice in 2020, four months after the pandemic began. Prior to that time, she’d…

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489 LNC Policies and Procedures – Why You Need them Penny Hopkinson

Where do you document the LNC Policies and procedures by which you run every aspect of your business? If you answer, “In my head,” have you asked yourself what would happen if you’re a solopreneur and got sick? Have you considered how you could sell your business without policies and procedures? Have you noticed that issues recur because no one wrote down how they solved them the last time?

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