LNP 282 Money Matters for LNCs Kathleen Thomas

Kathleen Thomas is a financial wizard I met at a C-Suite Network Advisors’ event. C-Suite is a group that I’m involved in that includes people who help CEOs, CMOs, CFOs, CIOs, anything you can put a “C” in front of. Kathleen was there as a person who had just shared her knowledge with others by…

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LNP 278 How to Scale Up Your LNC Business Lauren Cohen

Lauren Cohen is an attorney with expertise in both immigration and business law. She is involved with a company called “e-Council,” which is a company that focuses on providing concierge strategic full-service solutions for businesses who are seeking capital and foreign entrepreneurs who are seeking access to the United States market. Listen in as Pat…

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LNP 273 Trouble Ahead for LNCs

In this podcast, I cover 2 ways you as a legal nurse consultant could get into ethical issues. We’ll start with romance scams, which is what Debby described, and is also called catfishing. And I will cover common ethical issues attorneys face and how you can get pulled in. Your knowledge of how to spot…

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