Business Management
364 How to Banish LNC Fears of Change Anne Bonney
In this episode, Pat Iyer interviews Anne Bonney about how to deal with the impact of change. Do you want to realize your dreams? Then you’ll want to join me in listening to an informative interview with Anne Bonney, all about getting comfortable with change. If we want to realize our dreams, we need to…
Read More360 Do You Have a Creative Warrior Seth Greenwald
Seth Greenwald answers the question about something that affects all of us who are in business, who are entrepreneurs and who are working with attorneys in what is a demanding field. And that is “Answering the Call of Your Creative Warrior.” You may be sitting there thinking, “What is a creative warrior?” Seth Greenwald is…
Read More359 How Shyness Can Affect Video Marketing
There are ways that shyness can get in the way of video marketing. This isn’t to focus on the negative aspects of shyness, but just to explain that being shy does have behavior that you have to be aware of so that you can mitigate them and work around them when needed. Thankfully, today there…
Read More358 Video LNC Marketing: How to Stand Out Nick Goblirsch
Nick Goblirsch knows about video marketing. He spent 20 years in the corporate environment, and then he became an entrepreneur like many of us who started our legal nurse consulting businesses who were able to leave that clinical setting and take that leap to become self-employed. I met Nick through the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference where…
Read More357 Top Tips for a Successful Legal Nurse Consulting Business
Legal nurse consultants ask me about what I did to create such a successful independent legal nurse consulting business. You may not know that the last 5 years I ran a successful legal nurse consulting business I had sales of over a million dollars a year. Only about 5% of all small businesses break the million-dollar…
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