510 Catastrophic Critical Care Medication Errors – Christine Dorman
Because medication errors account for a great number of patient deaths, a legal nurse consultant needs to be diligent in detecting their possible role in a medical malpractice case. Christine Dorman, critical care nurse practitioner, legal nurse consultant, and expert witness, shares with us her expertise in this area. After going through some basic clues…
Read More509 Inhouse LNC to Independent LNC – Therese Bryars
Therese (Tez) Bryars brings a wealth of experience to her LNC practice. Initially, most of her work was with defense cases, and she worked as an inhouse LNC. During this time span, she gained a great deal of familiarity with nursing home cases, which is one of the main topics of this podcast. Since then,…
Read More508 Critical LNC Case Intake Questions – Stacey Lohmeier
Stacey Lohmeier brings a wealth of nursing experience to her LNC work. She is also skilled in working effectively with attorneys, a huge aspect of an LNC’s work. She advises LNCs to get a clear picture during an initial case intake of what the attorneys expect from them. The LNC needs practical information, such as…
Read More507 So social on LinkedIn for LNCs – Cheri Martin
According to Cheri Martin, an expert on the LinkedIn, it’s the most important social networking platform for legal nurse consultants to master. In this podcast, she shares what she’s learned about how to get the most out of LinkedIn. Three of the most critical elements of Linkedin are the profile picture, headline with specific, relevant…
Read More506 Critical Care Medication Errors with Christine Dorman
During the twentieth century, critical care medications were administered with much less care than in the current medical settings. Critical care medication errors can have devastating effects on patients. However, the rising number of deaths from medical and medication errors in the U. S. has made this crisis a significant issue, both in medical and…
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