Archive for March 2024
586 Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye
Legal Nurse Consultants looking for new avenues of work will have the opportunity in this podcast to learn about an in-demand area of work: observing defense medical exams. Silvia Aninye, a veteran of 14-plus years in this field, who has an extensive stable of subcontractors, takes up the issue of bias and an unethical DME…
Read More585 Tips for LNCs for a DME Observation Practice – Silvia Aninye
For an LNC, working as an observer at a defense medical exam (DME) can provide a lucrative income. It particularly offers the chance to hire other LNCs and run a large-scale business. Silvia Aninye, who has been doing DME work for 4 years, has a large number of subcontractors and a case load in the…
Read More584 Ramping up your LNC Business with Client Insights Karen Powell
Sometimes, when you’re running a business, it feels like juggling plates. Karen Powell, business and financial advisor, breaks down how you can identify your LNC business strengths and weaknesses to build a sound financial future. She recommends doing quarterly reviews if you are a solopreneur and meetings if you have a staff. This helps to…
Read More583 Planning an Exhibit – Tips for LNCs Pat Iyer and Jennifer Dizon
With in-person legal conferences returning, legal nurse consultants again have access to a valuable resource for connecting with potential attorney clients via an exhibit. Pat Iyer, a veteran conference vendor, shares what she’s learned during her decades of exhibiting at such events. A conference that will have fewer than 100 attendees is usually not worth…
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