The Best 2019 Legal Nurse Podcasts

This is our most listened to podcast of 2019. #1: 325 Falls: Evaluation of Liability If you are a legal nurse consultant getting cases, chances are you have or will review a fall case. Falls can occur in homes, workplaces, outside, and in healthcare facilities – anywhere people walk, right? In this podcast I focus…

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349 Botched Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

I will tell you a story today about a man who went into the operating room for a simple procedure and then died a horrible death. Mr. King’s (not his real name) surgeon went to a weekend course and learned how to do a laparoscopic cholecystectomy on a pig. He enthusiastically returned to his practice…

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348 Occupational Health and LNCs Kim Alvis

Kim Alvis, is a certified occupational health nurse through the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. She’s worked on many emergency responses, such as hurricane disasters, floods, and chemical plant fires. And she also works as an LNC and is working towards her certification as a legal nurse consultant. She works for the Center for…

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347 Should You Lower Your Fees?

It’s happened to every legal nurse consultant at one time or another—probably more than once. You quote your hourly rates, only to have your potential client respond with, “That sounds great, but I can’t afford it. You charge THAT much? Can you lower your rates for me?” An attorney approaches you to review a case…

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346 Hot Tips for Watching Your Money Sue Thompson

Sue Thompson is a whiz when it comes to looking at some of the money issues associated with running a small business. She’s a bestselling author. She’s a regular magazine contributor with a monthly financial column, and she has worked in international finance for over three decades. Sue speaks on business and finance for multiple…

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