LNP 217 How Bullying Affects Health Care

Have you been bullied as a kid, an adult, a nurse? Bullying stories cut across all ages, occupations and countries. Pat Iyer’s bully was a neurosurgeon who had temper tantrums in the OR (he threw instruments at nurses) and expected the head nurse to carry his charts and write down verbal orders. He was 5’1”…

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LNP 216 I was bullied – My Story – Brad Curtola

Brad Curtola talks about what happens when you’re bullied or targeted by co-staff and management in health care. He has experienced both of those unpleasant behaviors. Brad has been an RN 23 years with 7 years experience in legal nursing and 4 years as a certified nurse life care planner specializing in addiction and mental…

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LNP 215 How to Achieve Work Life Balance

How can you achieve a work life balance? It is challenging to balance your LNC business or job and your family.  However, achieving stability encourages you to develop valuable skills. If you know how to balance work and family life, you can easily create stronger family relationships while improving your business operations. Attorneys can be…

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LNP 214 Meditation, Mindfulness and Compassion: What they Will do for You Virginia Sampson

Virginia Sampson studies the science of compassion. Her particular interest has been the effect of compassion on health and also preventing burnout in caregivers. She is a consultant and co-author. Virginia is a full-time caregiver to her husband after his diagnosis with ALS. She is currently a caregiver to her 91-year-old mother with dementia. As a…

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