Archive for July 2018
LNP 197 How to Get the Most out of Premiums for Attorneys
I frequently get asked, “What should I create as promotional materials? What should I pass out at a meeting of attorneys? In this edition of Iyer’s Insights you will discover the benefits of using premiums at an attorney presentation, and my set of best practices for buying premiums for attorneys. Listen in as I (Pat…
Read MoreLNP 196 Your Voice – The Critical Key for Your Confidence and Credibility Lynda Wilner
Linda Katz Wilner is a communications specialist and a licensed speech and language pathologist. She focuses on the quality of voice. Her career began in health care and she developed numerous communication training materials for non-native English-speaking professionals. Linda has worked with major hospital systems, physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals. She is certified by…
Read MoreLNP 195 Do you have the right LNC business processes in place
In LNP 194, Victoria Powell discussed some of the processes she uses to manage her team. Starting and running a successful LNC business is hard and not for everyone. Be prepared to sacrifice, to work long hours and to continuously learn. Entrepreneurship gets into your blood as you begin to experience the joys of being your own…
Read MoreLNP 194 Profiting from an Independent Life Care Planning and LNC Business Victoria Powell
Victoria Powell is the founder and president of V.P. Medical Consulting which offers medical case management services, life care plans and a variety of other services. We’re going to be talking today about how Victoria developed her business and some of the aspects that she has encountered in running a business. Listen in as Pat…
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