361 Are You Worried to Death?

Are you constantly worrying about everything? Many legal nurse consultants worry about relationships, finances, parents, children, and their jobs or businesses. Your negative thoughts can take control of your mind and drive you crazy, prevent you from sleeping well, and disrupt your concentration. So, in this show, I’m going to share some strategies that will…

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333 Compassion Fatigue in Legal Nurse Consultants

Do you suffer from compassion fatigue? Just what is this? Dr. Charles Figley defines it as a state experienced by those helping people or animals in distress; it is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for…

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332 How to Handle Stress Joanna Chodorowska

Joanna Chodorowska helps fuel your fun and fulfillment by restoring your balance of your body, mind and soul. She’s an author, she’s a speaker, she’s a minister, and she’s a competitive triathlete. She helps to uncover the root cause of your symptoms, usually caused by stress, which can be physical in nature. It can also…

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