LNP 222 Pink Collar Crime in Small Businesses: What to Look For – Kelly Paxton
Kelly Paxton knows about pink collar crime in small businesses. She is also a certified fraud examiner and private investigator. While Kelly was working at a financial services firm, a client was arrested on wire fraud charges. This ended up leading Kelly to a new, much more exciting career as a special agent for U.S. Customs.…
Read MoreLNP 195 Do you have the right LNC business processes in place
In LNP 194, Victoria Powell discussed some of the processes she uses to manage her team. Starting and running a successful LNC business is hard and not for everyone. Be prepared to sacrifice, to work long hours and to continuously learn. Entrepreneurship gets into your blood as you begin to experience the joys of being your own…
Read MoreLNP 181 How to Avoid Legal Nurse Consulting Collection Issues
Legal nurse consulting collection issues plague many LNC businesses. Have you ever done work and not gotten paid by your attorney client? If so, you are part of a large group of LNC business owners who have gotten burned by an attorney. Listen in as Pat Iyer chats about these points How do legal nurse consulting…
Read MoreLNP 161 Keeping Track of LNC Income and Expenses
Why is it important to keep track of LNC income and expenses? Quyhn Vo’s program highlighted the importance of saving money on taxes. Not keeping track of expenses is one of the business management mistakes LNCs make. You need to do this whether you or someone else is paying the bills. It is now tax…
Read MoreLNP 160 – 7 Tax Hacks to Save You Money Quyhn Vo
Quyhn Vo is an accountant who helps entrepreneurs put more money back in their wallet by utilizing “7 Tax Hacks” that we’re going to cover in this program. Quyhn is a Freedom Evangelist. She empowers women to step into their greatness and to be free from money worries, dead-end jobs, feeling inadequate or mediocre lives.…
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