347 Should You Lower Your Fees?

It’s happened to every legal nurse consultant at one time or another—probably more than once. You quote your hourly rates, only to have your potential client respond with, “That sounds great, but I can’t afford it. You charge THAT much? Can you lower your rates for me?” An attorney approaches you to review a case…

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346 Hot Tips for Watching Your Money Sue Thompson

Sue Thompson is a whiz when it comes to looking at some of the money issues associated with running a small business. She’s a bestselling author. She’s a regular magazine contributor with a monthly financial column, and she has worked in international finance for over three decades. Sue speaks on business and finance for multiple…

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LNP 311 Tax Savings and Deductions for the LNC

Many legal nurse consultants start their businesses working out of their homes. It makes sense and it is affordable. Are you wondering how to save on your taxes when you work from home? If you work from home full-time, you may be eligible for a range of tax deductions not available to traditionally employed people.…

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