466 Preeclampsia – High Risk Clinical and Legal Complication- Kimmara Jackson

In the area of high-risk pregnancies, preeclampsia poses special challenges. Kimmara Jackson, a highly experienced OB nurse and legal nurse consultant, provides a detailed analysis of how this condition is treated. Pregnant women with preeclampsia have the risk of high blood pressure, decreased kidney function, and seizures. Typically, they are confined to their hospital beds…

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463 Nursing Home Traps – Tiffany Hinds

If you are an LNC who did your clinical work in a hospital, you’ll find many challenges in analyzing a legal case involving nursing homes. Tiffany Hinds, an LNC who has extensive experience working in nursing homes, provides a wealth of information. Among the challenges she describes are medical records that are unique to long-term…

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462 Bleeding to Death after Delivery – Jill Guenther

If you are an LNC or malpractice attorney, you will surely come across cases in the very high-risk area of labor and delivery obstetrics. Jill Gunther, a highly experienced clinical nurse in this area, breaks down the major risks and how to prevent them. In many areas, obstetrics has evolved technologically, but Jill questions whether…

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461 Peritonitis – abdominal catastrophe – Stephen Cohen

Dr. Stephen Cohen, a highly respected and experienced specialist in the GI tract, has visited this podcast a number of times. Today, he shares his perspectives on medical-legal issues connected with diverticulosis and other medical issues. He emphasizes that because of the length of the intestinal system and complexity of colorectal surgery, a certain percentage…

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