588 How to Get More Clients – Pat Iyer

A new LNC’s greatest need is to build a client base, and this is a challenge that never goes away. Both behind the scenes, LNCs and expert witnesses don’t know where to begin, and they can feel intimidated by the process of self-promotion. In essence, the challenge is how to say “Hire me; I can help you” without being blatant about it.

In this podcast, Pat Iyer shares nine tips for reaching out to potential clients, for experts and non-experts. She has gleaned them from decades of success both as the owner of an LNC business and as a coach to other legal nurse consultants.

She explains why it’s crucial to become known, both in the physical and virtual worlds. In terms of your online presence, it isn’t enough to have a website; you need to make it a source of information to which visitors will return for more.

Offer your visitors something valuable in exchange for their email addresses. Make sure you deliver excellent work so that you have the confidence to ask for referrals, both from your attorney clients and colleagues. Your self-confidence will improve when you can ask for evaluation of your work and hear criticism without getting defensive. Consider it an opportunity to learn.

How to Get More Clients: Step by step, this podcast will guide you to increasing your outreach and your profit line.

  • How can you make yourself better known to the public?
  • Why do you need a website?
  • What methods help you build your attorney email list?
  • Who can you ask for referrals?
  • How can you benefit from criticism?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

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Join us for the live course taking place at 8 PM Eastern | 7 PM Central | 6 PM Mountain | 5 PM Pacific on May 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2024.


The Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course, led by Nurse Attorney Arlene and seasoned Expert Witness Pat Iyer, is tailored specifically for nurses who aspire to become expert witnesses in legal cases. The course spans four insightful live sessions, each delving into the critical aspects of serving as a nursing expert witness.

This course is ideal for nurses who are interested in expanding their professional practice to include expert witness work. Both new and experienced nurses in the field will find valuable insights and practical guidance to enhance their expertise and marketability in this unique and demanding role.

The course will be conducted in an interactive format, encouraging participation, case studies, and Q&A sessions to enrich the learning experience. Participants will also have access to a range of resources and materials to support their journey as nursing expert witnesses.


Your Presenter of How to Get More Clients – Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC applied what she learned in internet marketing and being a member of the National Speakers Association to developing and running a highly successful LNC business. Her use of various methods of marketing resulted in building a multimillion-dollar independent LNC business, and creating a successful coaching business to help LNCs grow their businesses.

Connect with Pat Iyer by email patiyer@legalnusebusiness.com

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