519 Get inside the mind of a nurse attorney – Joe Flores

Joe Flores’ podcasts are among the most popular on this show. He brings to the conversation his experiences as a nurse, nurse practitioner, legal nurse consultant, and attorney. Through this multi-faceted lens, he makes connections that others can’t. Joe provides some very specific guidance to nurse practitioners, recommending that they carry occurrence-based insurance. He also…

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431 Tips from a Nurse Attorney for LNCs Joe Flores

This is the top most listened to podcast in 2020 and is an encore performance.  In this episode, Pat Iyer interviews Joe Flores, who brings his unique perspective as a nurse, a lawyer, and an LNC to the world of medical malpractice. His fascinating and invaluable insights about how lawyers and LNCS can work best…

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405 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner’s Role Melinda Norwood

Melinda Norwood, a highly experienced sexual assault nurse examiner, shares in detail her experiences working in remote Alaskan native villages. Though her examinations of sexually assaulted women, children, and men took place in a unique cultural setting, her observations highlight the necessity for meticulous, detailed examination, protection of forensic evidence, and, above all, compassion for…

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431 Tips from a Nurse Attorney for LNCs Joe Flores

This is the top most listened to podcast in 2020 and is an encore performance.  In this episode, Pat Iyer interviews Joe Flores, who brings his unique perspective as a nurse, a lawyer, and an LNC to the world of medical malpractice. His fascinating and invaluable insights about how lawyers and LNCS can work best…

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