564 Are you sleep deprived? Jennifer Patenaude

Getting enough of the right kind of sleep challenges many people, especially nurses who work at night and those who get moved to different shifts. Jennifer Patenaude, a health coach, describes the healing function of sleep, what disrupts it, and how to come back into balance when you are sleep deprived. She emphasizes that sleep…

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563 Inside Home Care Nursing – Angela Barker

home care

Today, Angela Barker, a former pediatric ICU nurse working in the area of pediatric private duty home care for pediatric and adult patients, describes the unique complexities of home care nursing for children. As an LNC, she also takes up the liability risks and the documentation to look for. This care may be short- or…

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562 The Medical Errors Epidemic-Dr. Kayur Patel

Medical Errors Epidemic

Unfortunately, due to the medical errors epidemic in health care, prior to the Covid epidemic, medical errors constituted the third greatest cause of death. Dr. Kayur Patel describes what’s wrong and how it can be changed. He is Chief Medical Officer of Proactive MD, a healthcare model that serves many U.S. healthcare institutions, He acknowledges…

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