564 Are you sleep deprived? Jennifer Patenaude

Getting enough of the right kind of sleep challenges many people, especially nurses who work at night and those who get moved to different shifts. Jennifer Patenaude, a health coach, describes the healing function of sleep, what disrupts it, and how to come back into balance when you are sleep deprived.

She emphasizes that sleep recharges all of our bodily systems. Lack of sleep can impair weight loss attempts, affect cognition, inhibit the ability to release toxins, and have other negative effects on our bodies and minds.

Factors that can inhibit sleep include caffeine after a certain time (which varies among individuals), evening consumption of alcohol, and not shutting off electronic devices at least half an hour before going to bed. The last is especially important because the blue light generated by these devices creates cortisol, which is our wakeup hormone.

Jennifer recommends melatonin, which is the go-to-sleep hormone, over OTC and prescription medications, which can be addictive and which have negative effects on the body. She also finds breathing exercises helpful, in part because they usually involve counting the breaths, which distracts the mind from worries that may be keeping someone awake.

Finally, she recommends getting adequate sunlight, especially after dawn, when the sun’s rays are most beneficial.

If sleep is an issue, be sure to check out this podcast, but don’t do it late at night.

Learn more about Are you sleep deprived? Jennifer Patenaude

  • How does lack of sleep affect us?
  • How does sleep restore us?
  • What causes sleep issues?
  • When should you stop looking at electronic devices?
  • How can natural sleeping aids and breathing exercises help in sleep?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

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Your Presenter of Are you sleep deprived? Jennifer Patenaude

This health journey stuff sure takes time and effort but, man, is it worth it!

Suffering with scalp psoriasis since childhood and Sjogren’s Syndrome since 2006, I managed and tolerated my autoimmune symptoms for years until I finally decided to take a different path. In 2020, I completely changed my diet – no more gluten, dairy or sugar. Sounds worse than getting a stick in the eye, right?? Trust me, it’s 100x better than staying on the unhealthy path. I feel great.

And one of the magical side effects to living a healthier lifestyle – SLEEP! But I know not everyone wants to cut out all the joy from their meals (JK! I actually love the way I eat), so I started learning about other ways to improve sleep quality. And trust me, there are plenty.

Graduated from IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) in 2021 and am an AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) Certified Coach. I am currently pursuing a certificate from Precision Nutrition in Sleep, Stress Management, and Recovery Coaching.

I live in Acton, MA with my husband, 19 and 17 year old kids, 4 and 3 year old black labs, and Norman the female turtle who will outlive us all.

Connect with Jennifer www.jenniferevewellness.com or on social media.


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