562 The Medical Errors Epidemic-Dr. Kayur Patel

Unfortunately, due to the medical errors epidemic in health care, prior to the Covid epidemic, medical errors constituted the third greatest cause of death. Dr. Kayur Patel describes what’s wrong and how it can be changed. He is Chief Medical Officer of Proactive MD, a healthcare model that serves many U.S. healthcare institutions,

He acknowledges that existing statistics represent an underreporting of medical errors. Pat commented for example, for a long time, nurses who reported a certain number of medication errors were fired. This dramatic example of why they wouldn’t report these errors underscores a culture of denial common to most healthcare settings.

The solution, Dr. Patel feels, is, first, to recognize that systemic errors, those that result from a flawed system rather than individual human errors. The second step is to create an ecosystem that from the top down generates safety within that system. The third is to develop a simplified systemic approach that identifies the causes of medical errors that’s based on eight major categories. This approach makes it easier to identify causation.

Adopting this method of investigation also helps an expert witness to identify sources of errors more easily. As both a clinician and an LNC, you will appreciate learning about what the medical system is doing to restructure its culture. Be sure to check out this invaluable podcast.

Learn more about Unmasking the Silent Epidemic of Medical Errors – Dr. Kayur Patel

  • How significant are deaths from medical errors?
  • What underlies the reluctance of the medical profession to report errors?
  • What or also who has primary responsibility for these errors?
  • How can a systematic specification of kinds of errors help attorneys and also LNCs?
  • How can nursing employees new to the job get supported?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

Announcing LNC Success™ Virtual Conference 8 October 26,27 & 28

LNC Success™ is a Virtual Conference 3-day event designed for legal nurse consultants just like you!

Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin put together THE first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020.

They are back with their 8th all-new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.

Build your expertise, also attract higher-paying attorney clients, and take your business to the next level.

After the LNC Success™ Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Unmasking the Silent Epidemic of Medical Errors – Dr. Kayur Patel

Dr. Patel is currently the Chief Medical Officer of Proactive MD; a unique healthcare model with Health Centers across the country. In his role, Dr. Patel is laser focused on improving methodology to better engage clinicians and patients into a culture of zero tolerance for gaps in healthcare by extending care beyond the walls to allow a global improvement of health.

Dr. Patel also serves as consultant to KEPRO, the Quality Improvement Organization for over 30 states, wherein he reviews for gaps in standard of care delivered to patients.

Connect with Connie https://kayurvpatel.md/ or on social media.


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