467 Mastering the LNC Sales Call – Jason Tracey

If you are a legal nurse consultant, you are an entrepreneur. That also means you are a salesperson. Accepting this may be your biggest challenge if you think, like most people do, that salespeople are sleazy, fast-talking charlatans. You’re a nurse; you help people. How can you sacrifice your principles for the sales? Jason Tracey,…

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466 Preeclampsia – High Risk Clinical and Legal Complication- Kimmara Jackson

In the area of high-risk pregnancies, preeclampsia poses special challenges. Kimmara Jackson, a highly experienced OB nurse and legal nurse consultant, provides a detailed analysis of how this condition is treated. Pregnant women with preeclampsia have the risk of high blood pressure, decreased kidney function, and seizures. Typically, they are confined to their hospital beds…

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