LNP 160 – 7 Tax Hacks to Save You Money Quyhn Vo
Quyhn Vo is an accountant who helps entrepreneurs put more money back in their wallet by utilizing “7 Tax Hacks” that we’re going to cover in this program. Quyhn is a Freedom Evangelist. She empowers women to step into their greatness and to be free from money worries, dead-end jobs, feeling inadequate or mediocre lives.…
Read MoreLNP 137 Branding – What are the risks of going cheap?
Who wants to buy your service at the price you are worth if you look like you opened shop yesterday? Who wants to buy your product at top dollar when it looks like you made the packaging and labeling in your basement? People want to do business with people they trust, like and know (and…
Read MoreLNP 97 – How to Avoid Bad LNC Debt – Collect What You are Owed – Pat Iyer
Every LNC business has or will eventually have a small amount of billing that cannot be collected on or bad LNC debt. Out of the hundreds of cases that you handle, a few result in bad LNC debt. Why does this occur? Although my examples in this podcast relate to expert witnesses, non-testifying LNCs may…
Read MoreLNP 96 – The Power of Effectively Managing Your Money – Amy Anderson
Amy Andersson is the owner of Price Turner CFOs. She has an extra “S” in her name that might as well be a dollar sign. She knows numbers. amy focuses on helping business owners with effectively managing their money. She has a great background in finance and is the chief financial officer for small and…
Read MoreLNP 15 – 5 Money Management Lessons I Learned the Hard Way
What are the money management lessons LNCs might learn? In this episode of Iyer’s Insights, you will hear about some of the big money management lessons Pat learned the hard way. You will see how you can avoid the same mistakes. “Businesses don’t fail due to lack of orders. They fail due to lack of…
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