532 Emergency Cesarean Section – Done Quickly Enough? Karen Harmon
One of the most critical areas of nursing care is labor and delivery, an area where timely decisions and action can mean the difference between life and death. Karen Harmon, a labor and delivery expert, shares her experience both as an obstetric nurse and an LNC who reviews labor and delivery cases. Karen explains, as…
Read More529 LNC Role at Defense Medical Exam – Stormy Green
As an LNC, you may find yourself called to observe an independent medical examination. This may be ordered by either the plaintiff or the defense. Stormy Green, an LNC, describes her experiences as an observer and provides some essential recommendations for anyone who has assumed or would like to assume that role. The observer needs…
Read More526 Cardiac Medical Malpractice Issues – Erin Getz
As a legal nurse consultant, you are sure to come across malpractice suits involving heart disease. This podcast features Erin Getz, a nurse practitioner, an expert on this subject. She unravels some of the complex issues involved in various heart conditions. Of primary concern is management of medications. This can be very challenging to older…
Read MoreThe Best of 2022 – 493 From Watchdog to LNC – Mary Ann Seibold
In 2019, thirty percent of the money spent on healthcare in the U.S. was wasted through inappropriate care levels, unnecessary procedures, abuse, fraud, and other deviations from established standards of care. Mary Ann Seibold, who worked four years reviewing care given to Medicare Advantage patients explains how she went from Medicare watchdog to LNC and also the vital watchdog nature that utilization management plays in attempting to keep down the cost of wasteful medical activity.
Read MoreThe Best of 2022 – 488 Working with Expert Witnesses: An Attorney’s View Joe Flores
Whether you’re an experienced LNC, a new practitioner, or someone who’s considering this field, Joe Flores will give you invaluable advice about working as an expert witness. An attorney and nurse practitioner, he has a unique perspective on working with expert witnesses.
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