537 Perils of Anesthesia with Kristen Hull

No one looks forward to going under anesthesia—for good reasons. Under the best of circumstances, there may be unanticipated risks. Kristen Hull, an experienced nurse anesthetist, shares with us how anesthesia mishaps can occur and what best practices can prevent them. Because an LNC is likely to get involved in a malpractice suit involving anesthesia, this podcast has particular value to you.

Kristen emphasizes the importance of speaking to the patient prior to anesthesia and of checking possible difficulties with the procedure. This process also helps her know what particular forms of equipment will be needed.

It is vital, she says, to determine whether the patient has recently eaten. Unfortunately, people don’t always tell the truth, and some of them aspirate what they ate and may die. Kristen always explains the consequences of lying, and she has probably saved lives by doing so.

Kristen candidly states that inattention during the operation can cause problems. It’s important to stay alert during all phases of the surgery and afterwards.

Kristen acknowledges that greater opportunities for error exist when an anesthesiologist isn’t directly available, as can be the case in PACUs. That requires a greater degree of attention from the anesthetist.

This podcast will benefit you on a personal level if anesthesia is in your future or that of a loved one. You will know what kinds of questions to ask. Asking those questions when you have an anesthesia case will sharpen your ability to evaluate the standard of care.

Join me in this episode of Perils of Anesthesia with Kristen Hull

  • Why is staffing currently such a big problem in hospitals?
  • What challenges are involved in hiring new nursing graduates?
  • What is a high-risk, low-frequency situation?
  • How do issues of liability play into the necessity for thorough training of new nurses?
  • How can a nurse effectively challenge a doctor’s order that sounds wrong?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

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After the LNC Success™ Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Perils of Anesthesia with Kristen Hull

Kristen has been a nurse for 15 years, starting her career in the Cardiothoracic ICU caring for sick patients with heart disease, heart and lung transplant patients, and anyone undergoing CT surgery. She then got accepted into a top nurse anesthesia program and has worked at nationally ranked teaching institutions across the country. Her personal experiences during pregnancy and childbirth led her into the role of a legal nurse consultant where she then started her own LNC business, Themis Nurse Consulting. Her passion remains anesthesia, safe patient care, and providing a voice for people who need help advocating for themselves.

Connect with Kristen www.themisnurseconsulting.com and on Social Media

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