558 Liability for Nursing Home Falls – Tina Baxter

Nursing home falls make up a substantial portion of malpractice suits. Here to help you understand the dynamics of the circumstances surrounding falls is Tina Baxter. She is a legal nurse consultant, nurse practitioner, and certified gerontological nurse. She first addresses the issue of hydraulic lifts, which can be the cause of many falls. Sometimes…

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556 Diabetes Care – Misdiagnosis, Mismedication, Mismanagement Jenelle Lea

Currently in the U.S. diabetics make up 11% of the population. That statistic alone makes it an important illness for legal nurse consultants to understand. In addition, diabetes care and treatment typically involves a triple threat: misdiagnosis, incorrect medication doses and drugs, and mismanagement. Jenelle Lea, a nurse with over 30 years of clinical experience,…

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554 Necrotizing Enterocolitis Risks Crystal Crawford

While any illness in a premature baby must be taken very seriously, Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) demands special and rapid attention. Crystal Crawford, a highly experienced nurse, LNC, and expert witness, shares her experience in neonatal intensive care, particularly her deep knowledge of care for premature babies. NEC, a gastrointestinal disorder often associated with blood transfusions…

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