476 Top Downloads of 2021 – A Methodical and Successful Plan to Build an LNC Business – Valerie Lane

One of the most important questions for an LNC is: “How do I start/build my practice?” Valerie Lane, who has been a LNC since 2007, describes the step-by-step process that has built her successful career. Her career path began with being a flight attendant. After careful research and consideration, she moved on to nursing. Following…

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467 Mastering the LNC Sales Call – Jason Tracey

If you are a legal nurse consultant, you are an entrepreneur. That also means you are a salesperson. Accepting this may be your biggest challenge if you think, like most people do, that salespeople are sleazy, fast-talking charlatans. You’re a nurse; you help people. How can you sacrifice your principles for the sales? Jason Tracey,…

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