Business Management
586 Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye
Legal Nurse Consultants looking for new avenues of work will have the opportunity in this podcast to learn about an in-demand area of work: observing defense medical exams. Silvia Aninye, a veteran of 14-plus years in this field, who has an extensive stable of subcontractors, takes up the issue of bias and an unethical DME…
Read More585 Tips for LNCs for a DME Observation Practice – Silvia Aninye
For an LNC, working as an observer at a defense medical exam (DME) can provide a lucrative income. It particularly offers the chance to hire other LNCs and run a large-scale business. Silvia Aninye, who has been doing DME work for 4 years, has a large number of subcontractors and a case load in the…
Read More579 Expanding nursing expertise to Legal Nurse Consulting – Mary Jorgensen
Mary Jorgensen, a board-certified legal nurse consultant, has worked in jobs with nursing expertise as varied as being a union representative and an LNC specializing in nursing home cases. Her story will especially inspire you if you are struggling to balance work with parental responsibility. Mary has made career changes several times to accommodate the…
Read More573 The New LNC’s Playbook- Donisha Thurman
Every LNC, whether they’ve just entered the field or have been practicing for many years needs The New LNC’s Playbook and can learn from their colleagues’ experiences. Donisha Thurman, a legal nurse consultant based in Las Vegas, has extensive experience in various areas of nursing, including telemetry, post-anesthesia care, and ICU. She shares her professional…
Read More570 Group Home Liability Risks – Laurie Morgan
Psychiatric and also mentally disabled people used to be dumped into an institutional setting where their needs and rights were virtually ignored. Today, group homes funded by Medicaid and Medicare, with government oversight, respect residents’ rights and take on the often-challenging work of keeping everyone safe in a group home. Laurie Morgan, the CEO of…
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