575 The Best of 2023! Powerful LNC Chronologies – Emily Flynn


The ability to deliver an informative and easy-to-follow medical chronology can boost your LNC business. Emily Flynn, an experienced emergency department nurse, has been a legal nurse consultant since 2006. She brings her expertise to the complex subject of preparing chronologies that meets her clients’ needs. Though this is her basic approach, she always determines…

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574 The Best of 2023! Serial Healthcare Killers – Erin Laferriere

serial healthcare killers.

Learn more about serial healthcare killers. Medically-assisted opioid-related overdoses have become major news items. Erin Laferriere got involved in such a case, the Mount Carmen/Dr. Husel litigation in 2020. Dr. Husel was charged with 14 counts of murder. The nurses involved were charged civilly with negligence and were reported to their respective nursing boards. Erin…

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573 The New LNC’s Playbook- Donisha Thurman

Every LNC, whether they’ve just entered the field or have been practicing for many years needs The New LNC’s Playbook and can learn from their colleagues’ experiences. Donisha Thurman, a legal nurse consultant based in Las Vegas, has extensive experience in various areas of nursing, including telemetry, post-anesthesia care, and ICU. She shares her professional…

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571 Wound Care Management tips – Thureiyya Rodriquez

Wound Care

Thureiyya Rodriguez, who has her doctorate in healthcare administration, is also a certified ostomy and continence nurse. In addition, as a legal nurse consultant, she is well-versed in liability issues in the area of wound care. Although unhealed wounds leading to osteomyelitis occur frequently in those who are confined to beds and/or wheelchairs, this development…

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