LNP 246 How to Ace a Job Interview – Joe Nugent

The podcast you are about to hear was the most downloaded interview in 2018. Joe Nugent shares tips on how to ace an interview with an attorney. Joe Nugent is involved with a lot of social and civic organizations and running young professional groups. Joe has a weekly podcast where he discusses topics such as networking,…

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LNP 245 How to Develop a Successful Approach to Legal Nurse Consulting – Belanie Dishong

Belanie Dishong is a mindset coach who teaches techniques that empower her clients to create breakthroughs that lead to life changes. Hers was the most downloaded interview in 2017. ​I invited her on the show to share how to develop a successful approach to legal nurse consulting. She’s ​the ​founder​ ​and CEO​ ​of ​​”Live ​at…

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