569 Wound Care Liability Issues – Lydia Meyers Corum

Legal Nurse Consultants often have to deal with the question of whether a wound was preventable. Here to help us answer this question is Lydia Meyers Corum, an expert in wound care.

Two primary factors can lead to pressure wounds. Poor nutrition, which may have preceded the patient’s admission to a medical facility, is one. The other, which is an endemic condition in nursing homes, is immobility for 12 hours or more at a time, often in an unclean diaper. Only conscientious care can prevent pressure sores.

Lydia emphasizes the importance of keeping a wound moist. The wet-to-dry method, particularly if gauze is employed, has an unwanted debriding effect on the wound.

Lydia advises LNCS working on a wound case that they read between the lines of documentation. She also recommends that when patients refuse care, the nurse or other attendant needs to document the conversation. The failure to do so can have legal ramifications.

Enrich your knowledge of a common but serious medical condition. Lydia Meyers Corum’s informal and informative approach will provide an entertaining form of education.

Learn more about Wound Care Liability Issues – Lydia Meyers Corum

  • What risk factors can result in skin breakdown?
  • What should a nurse do when a patient refuses treatment?
  • Where in the chart should an LNC look in order to understand the case?
  • Why does the LNC need to know if medical staff have meetings about wound patients?
  • What kinds of treatments are wound care specialists currently recommending?

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Your Presenter of Wound Care Liability Issues – Lydia Meyers Corum

After graduating college, I have spent my time looking for my passion. Once I started working in home healthcare, I found the wonderful world of wound care and how I could help people by creating healing. Seeing someone go back to work or walk when told they would have their leg amputated was beautiful. After home healthcare, I entered a wound clinic to learn about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how wounds were created. My journey continued. I worked at a skilled nursing home; I finally moved to California to work at several acute care hospitals.

Connect with Lydia https://lmeyerslnc.com/

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