553 Nurse Practitioner Liability Hot Spots – Rebecca Paschall

Nurse practitioners (NPs) play an essential role in primary care and other medical settings. Increasingly, they are being named as defendants in malpractice suits. Rebecca Paschall, who both works as an NP and a legal nurse consultant, shares her experience in these areas of expertise. She learned that her LNC work deepens her diagnostic and analytical abilities in her clinical work.

Rebecca also finds many opportunities to instruct other clinicians on her job about best medical practices.

She finds that the most common medical areas in primary care involve failure and delay in diagnosis and misdiagnosis. Within that umbrella, cancer, diabetes, sepsis, and cardiac issues assume primary importance. Rebecca believes that a problematic case requires discussion with other clinicians and often consultation with the supervising physician.

Also, Rebecca emphasizes that it can be essential to get the physicians to state circumstances in which they want to be consulted or to see diagnostic test results and other critical data. This for her is part of an overall emphasis on good communication among all employees in a primary care setting.

Nurse practitioners who want to pursue LNC work will find many opportunities in this field. I know you will learn much from this glimpse into this world.

Nurse Practitioner Liability Hot Spots – Rebecca Paschall

  • Why is a website essential for an LNC?
  • How can practicing as an LNC improve the quality of work in one’s chosen clinical field?
  • In a medical family practice office, at what point does a nurse practitioner consult with a doctor?
  • What areas of medical malpractice most frequently affect nurse practitioners?
  • Why is strong communication among all participants so crucial in a medical office?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

Announcing LNC Success™ Virtual Conference 8 October 26,27 & 28

LNC Success™ is a Virtual Conference 3-day event designed for legal nurse consultants just like you!

Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin put together THE first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020.

They are back with their 8th all-new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.

Build your expertise, attract higher-paying attorney clients, and take your business to the next level.

After the LNC Success™ Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Nurse Practitioner Liability Hot Spots – Rebecca Paschall

Rebecca Paschall, is a Family Nurse Practitioner who has been in clinical practice in Primary Care, Urgent Care and Community Health for the past 23 years. She is a former Peace Corps volunteer who served in Cameroon, West Africa in Maternal Child Health. She graduated from the University of Florida with BA in English and Internal Studies and completed her BSN and Master’s Degrees in Nursing at Johns Hopkins University, as a Peace Corps Fellow and National Health Service Corps Scholar. Rebecca has been working independently as a Legal Nurse Consultant since 2013. She is dedicated to evidence based practice and delivering compassionate health care.

Connect with Rebecca www.paschallmedicallegal.com

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