532 Emergency Cesarean Section – Done Quickly Enough? Karen Harmon

One of the most critical areas of nursing care is labor and delivery, an area where timely decisions and action can mean the difference between life and death. Karen Harmon, a labor and delivery expert, shares her experience both as an obstetric nurse and an LNC who reviews labor and delivery cases.

Karen explains, as someone who has worked in hospitals with different qualities of obstetrical care, that a rural hospital setting may not provide as speedy a mobilization as a large urban one. However, the guidelines are the same for all obstetrical units. The failure to observe them has caused many medical malpractice suits, which, when successfully pursued, yield large payouts.

Some hospitals allow nurses greater initiative to make emergency decisions to order a C section. This flexibility has saved many maternal and infant lives.

A key practice to prevent infant and maternal mortality is fetal monitoring, a procedure that has evolved greatly over the years. Several lawsuits are based on the failure to correctly follow this procedure and to recognize when trouble looms.

Karen provides the LNC reviewing a case several important questions to ask about the case. These alone make the podcast worth a listen or a read. You will want this podcast in your toolbox

Join me in this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about an Emergency Cesarean Section – Done Quickly Enough? Karen Harmon

  • What causes delayed deliveries?
  • What is the 30-minute rule?
  • What do different levels assigned to hospitals mean?
  • What does “hospital culture” mean for obstetrical nurses?
  • How does improper fetal monitoring affect delivery?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

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Your Presenter of Emergency Cesarean Section – Done Quickly Enough? Karen Harmon

Karen Harmon is an LNC with 28 years of experience in labor and delivery.

Karen can be contacted at karenharmonmedlegal@yahoo.com

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