525 Labor and Delivery Crises – Karen Harmon

Medical errors during labor and delivery are a leading cause of litigation. Within this area, shoulder dystocia cases are prominent. If you don’t have extensive experience as a labor and delivery nurse, you may not be familiar with the details of shoulder dystocia? Here to explain the complexities that can result in this condition is Karen Harmon, an LNC with 28 years of experience in labor and delivery.

She describes some of the health conditions that can lead to this, including diabetes, morbid obesity, shoulder dystocia in a previous delivery. She also notes warning signs that may show up during the course of prenatal care.

Karen also recommends that the LNC carefully evaluate the quality of nursing care during the labor and delivery. Were danger signs recognized? Was intervention swift and competent? If the nurse needed help, did she request it?

When a lengthy labor takes place, what is the quality of communication between nurses on different shifts? Documentation is also essential. She emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between suprapubic and fundal pressure, with fundal pressure during labor and delivery, especially since fundal pressure is indefensible.

Karen provides a virtual textbook on shoulder dystocia. This is a podcast you will want to review and save.

Join me in this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about Labor and Delivery Crises – Karen Harmon

  • What should an LNC look for in a case of shoulder dystocia?
  • What are the nurse’s specific responsibilities in a case of shoulder dystocia?
  • When do shoulder dystocia injuries become the subject of malpractice?
  • Why is documentation so important in these cases?
  • What’s the difference between suprapubic and fundal pressure?

Listen to our podcasts or watch them using our app, Expert.edu, available at legalnursebusiness.com/expertedu.

How to Heat a Fiery Brand for Your LNC Business: Tips to Be Noticeable

As a legal nurse consultant, you face a lot of competition. How can you convince an attorney to choose you over the many other LNCs seeking clients?

The answer is branding: giving people a reason to choose you because they feel you offer something they can’t get anywhere else.

In How to Heat a Fiery Brand for Your LNC Business: Tips to Be Noticeable, by Pat Iyer, you’ll discover how to define and express your unique identity, the special gift you offer your client that no other LNC can.

It may be

● exceptional customer care,

● attention to detail, or

● going above and beyond what the client requests.

Learn what your gift is and use it to position yourself in the LNC world. Then you will attract attorneys for whom price is not an issue because your branding makes it clear that hiring your services will yield rewards beyond price.

That’s what branding is: giving people a reason to choose you because they feel you offer something they can’t get anywhere else.

You can Still get the Recordings for our 6th Virtual Conference!

LNC Success is a Livecast Virtual Conference 3-day event designed for legal nurse consultants just like you!

Pat Iyer and Barbara Levin put together THE first Legal Nurse Consulting Virtual Conference in July 2020.

They are back with their 6th all-new conference based on what attendees said they’d find most valuable. This new implementation and networking event is designed for LNCs at any stage in their career.

Build your expertise, attract higher-paying attorney clients, and take your business to the next level.

After the LNC Success Virtual Conference, you will leave with clarity, confidence, and an effective step-by-step action plan that you can immediately implement in your business.

Your Presenter of Labor and Delivery Crises – Karen Harmon

Karen Harmon is an LNC with 28 years of experience in labor and delivery.

Connect with Karen by email, karenharmonmedlegal@yahoo.com

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