498 Inhouse LNC spreads her wings – Chelsea Harris

An LNC who wants to expand her business will very likely get involved in supplying expert witnesses. Kathleen Isenhart, an LNC who currently works primarily with defense attorneys, has extensive experience with the hiring and coaching process.

One of the biggest challenges in this process is finding an expert who is a match for the kind of case involved. These qualifications can vary from state to state, but the hiring LNC in any states needs to find as close a match as possible, not only because it produces a more convincing expert but because the LNC wants to hire someone who won’t be challenged by the opposing attorney.

Kathleen goes into valuable detail about other qualifications for expert witnesses. She looks for someone who speaks well, appears confident, has an impressive CV, and, ideally, has a good amount of experience. She also wants someone whose fee schedule she thinks her attorney will accept.

She also speaks at length about  how Zoom depositions and trials have altered the atmosphere of these proceedings. In general, one finds more informality. A recorded deposition may also capture the behavior of a bullying attorney, an aspect that didn’t get captured in the past.

If you have a practice that includes referring expert witnesses, you will have the opportunity to fine-tune your procedures. If you are considering adding this service, you will learn some invaluable strategies for success in this field.

Join me in this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about Inhouse LNC Role

  • At what point do defense attorneys hire expert witnesses?
  • How do you find an appropriate expert?
  • Why are expert witness nurses difficult to find?
  • What do you look for in an expert witness?
  • What impact do “skeletons in the closet” have on expert witnesses?

Related Product: Secrets of expanding your LNC business


You have set up your independent legal nurse consulting business – you’ve sent out some mailings, made some cold calls and visits, and gotten some responses. You wonder, “What else can I do to get business?” This text teaches you advanced secrets of marketing to attorneys. Expanding your legal nurse consulting business is easier with the wealth of ideas in this book. Demonstrate your expertise to attorneys. In an environment in which attorneys are bombarded with sales messages, the strategies in this book will set you well ahead of your competitors.

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Harness the power of the ideas in this book to build your legal nurse consulting practice  – they work. Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC has held nothing back. You’ll learn what made her legal nurse consulting business one of the most successful of its kind. Gain from her experiences, grab the ideas that will work for you, and watch your business take off.

Secrets of Expanding a Legal Nurse Consulting Business

Your Presenter

I am an RN of 20 years. I have been observing DMEs since 2012. I recently passed gone over 1000 DMEs since I started. 30+ years as a Registered Nurse currently inhouse Legal Nurse Consultant at Tampa defense firm. President and business owner of Isenhart Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc.. Previously in Neurosurgical Step Down unit at the University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital, BayCare’s Morton Plant Hospital Neurosurgical Step Down Unit and as a Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist also at BayCare. President of the Tampa Bay Chapter for Association of Legal Nurse Consultants 2019-2021. Daughter of my amazing mother, wife of my blessed husband, mother of seven wonderful children, five grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Connect with Tim at linkedin.com/in/kathleen-isenhart-rn-clnc-lncc-06955670

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