449 Home Health Care Perils – Janice McIntosh

Individuals and their families are increasingly seeking alternatives to nursing home and other institutional facilities. These growing numbers create stress in the field of home health care, a term that covers a wide range of different service, including acute and chronic care, skilled and non-skilled services, and a host of widely varying regulations.

The complex and often confusing field of home care also provides both challenges and opportunities for LNCs. Here to explain some of these issues is Janice McIntosh, an LNC who has extensive familiarity with the unique medical-legal issues that can arise from homecare problems.

Janice describes the dangerous situations that can develop when new nursing school graduates work without supervision, especially when they are using complex equipment. She explains why shortage of personnel leads to the hiring of inexperienced workers and how bureaucratic breakdowns put personnel in situations where they are working without signed orders from doctors. Perhaps worst of all is the plight of people in group homes whose managers have a greater interest in profits than in patients.

In this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast, Janice also clarifies the differences between clinical and home care settings, distinctions that are vital for the LNC working on a home care case. Because of the rapid growth of this area of care, legal cases will also increase. Don’t miss this fascinating and enlightening podcast. You might discover a new area of specialization.

Watch this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to learn about Home Health Care Perils

  • Why does “home care” cover a far more complex range of situations than you might imagine?
  • What are the particular difficulties of providing sophisticated medical care in a home setting?
  • Why is the correct institutional placement of a patient so important?
  • How does the failure to hire sufficiently trained home care workers lead to medical/legal issues?
  • What special issues does an LNC need to look for in a legal case?

How to Manage Your LNC Business and Clients: Top Tips for Success

You’ve gotten your legal nurse consulting business started, you have clients, and you want to sustain your success. How can you manage that business in the best way? There are dozens of traps that can trip you if you aren’t aware of them and prepared to tackle them.

Pat knows – she founded and managed a multi-million dollar legal nurse consulting business – and saw plenty of opportunities for trouble.

Let’s face it – working with trial attorneys is a challenge. They are driven people who want to do their best for their client. There is a lot at stake in litigation, and you want to have strong relationships with them.

In this book, you’ll learn how to deepen your connections with your clients through your communications. When conflict or the need to negotiate arises, the tips in this book will give you the confidence needed to tackle some of the world’s best negotiators. Being able to successfully master negotiation, business communication and conflict are essential.

Discover how to win over and retain the clients you want and recognize those who are too much trouble. Pat shows you how. Enjoy this episode of Legal Nurse Podcast to get insights to these questions about the LNC as CEO

This is the book to use to build a stable foundation for your business.

Your Presenter

Janice has over 43 years of nursing experience with an emphasis in home health care, gastrointestinal endoscopy, medical-surgical, orthopedic-neurological and military nursing.
She has 20+ years in home health care with administrative and supervisory experience in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas and Mississippi.

Connect with Janice at mcintoshlegalnurses.com

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