LNP 264 The Role of the Forensic Psychologist – Dr. Ken Manges

Ken Manges specializes in the field of psychological and vocational evaluations, treatments, and consultations. He testifies as an expert witness. He’s a certified forensic psychologist, a vocational expert, and the President and CEO of Ken Manges & Associates. He’s testified in federal, military and state courts. He has expertise in both psychological and vocational testing, and interpretation.

Listen in as Pat Iyer and Ken Manges chat about these points

  • The story of Ken’s time in Vietnam and how he got started in the field
  • Why attorneys really didn’t have an appreciation of how to use his skills and how he overcame that adversity
  • What separates clinical psychology from forensic psychology 
  • How he became the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 
  • Some of the obstacles that he have faced in addition to the Daubert challenge

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Your Presenter

Dr. Manges has specialized in the field of psychological & vocational evaluation, treatment, and consultation since 1974. He is a certified forensic psychologist and vocational expert. 

Dr. Manges is the President/CEO of Dr. Kenneth J. Manges and Associates, Inc. He has been qualified and has testified in federal, military and state courts. 

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