606 Fraud Tips and Tricks and the LNC – Richard Bays
This podcast interview, Fraud Tips and Tricks and the LNC, goes into depth on a subject that deserves much more attention than it gets: medical fraud. This kind of fraud may cost the U.S. government as much as $300 billion per year, income that could help to keep Medicare/Medicare and a financially tottering medical system…
Read More605 Writing LNC Articles for Publication – Pat Iyer
In this podcast, Writing LNC Articles for Publication, Pat Iyer, multi-published author and LNC, gives you a step-by-step guide to writing, submitting, and revising articles for publication. First, you need to know who your target audience is. You may want to write for fellow LNCs. This is an excellent way to make contacts and connections.…
Read More589 Navigating the Complexity of Healthcare Credentialing and Privileging – Dr. Vipul Kella
As an LNC, you will probably work with cases where the credentials and granting of privileges for doctors are in question. To be able to assess this, you need to understand the complex processes involved. Dr. Vipul Kella, an emergency medicine and highly experienced physician in a number of areas, unravels this complicated web. During…
Read More588 How to Get More Clients – Pat Iyer
A new LNC’s greatest need is to build a client base, and this is a challenge that never goes away. Both behind the scenes, LNCs and expert witnesses don’t know where to begin, and they can feel intimidated by the process of self-promotion. In essence, the challenge is how to say “Hire me; I can…
Read More583 Planning an Exhibit – Tips for LNCs Pat Iyer and Jennifer Dizon
With in-person legal conferences returning, legal nurse consultants again have access to a valuable resource for connecting with potential attorney clients via an exhibit. Pat Iyer, a veteran conference vendor, shares what she’s learned during her decades of exhibiting at such events. A conference that will have fewer than 100 attendees is usually not worth…
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