588 How to Get More Clients – Pat Iyer
A new LNC’s greatest need is to build a client base, and this is a challenge that never goes away. Both behind the scenes, LNCs and expert witnesses don’t know where to begin, and they can feel intimidated by the process of self-promotion. In essence, the challenge is how to say “Hire me; I can…
Read More587 Critical Obstetrical Bleeding – Courtney Moorhouse and Sasha Benner
Pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-partum period can be full of serious health issues for the mother. For many women, the time of pregnancy and beyond marks their first major interaction with the medical world, and unsuspected problems can emerge. The process of birth can reveal other physical vulnerabilities. This means that OB/GYN nurses need to…
Read More586 Unethical DME Physicians: An LNC Challenge – Silvia Aninye
Legal Nurse Consultants looking for new avenues of work will have the opportunity in this podcast to learn about an in-demand area of work: observing defense medical exams. Silvia Aninye, a veteran of 14-plus years in this field, who has an extensive stable of subcontractors, takes up the issue of bias and an unethical DME…
Read More585 Tips for LNCs for a DME Observation Practice – Silvia Aninye
For an LNC, working as an observer at a defense medical exam (DME) can provide a lucrative income. It particularly offers the chance to hire other LNCs and run a large-scale business. Silvia Aninye, who has been doing DME work for 4 years, has a large number of subcontractors and a case load in the…
Read More584 Ramping up your LNC Business with Client Insights Karen Powell
Sometimes, when you’re running a business, it feels like juggling plates. Karen Powell, business and financial advisor, breaks down how you can identify your LNC business strengths and weaknesses to build a sound financial future. She recommends doing quarterly reviews if you are a solopreneur and meetings if you have a staff. This helps to…
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